Monday 23 September 2019

No 'Safe Space' In The Real World

Bullying is not just a human experience; it exists in the entire animal kingdom in the form of the strong picking on the weak.  The term pecking order even comes from chickens that will peck at birds lower in the hierarchy and will be pecked by birds above them.  So why do we try to stop a trait in humans that occurs in all aspects of life?

No one is safe from bullying.  It occurs in our schools, our work, in public, in retirement communities, everywhere!  No matter what age, race, religion or sex, you can experience bullying so what do we as a society do about it?  Do we teach our children to be strong, independent, confident people who can see a bully for what they really are; or do we give those who are being bullied safe spaces and quiet time so they can reflect on their hurt feelings?  Which option will produce a strong society?

Bullying has always existed and it always will and no matter how many pink shirts we wear nothing is going to change that.  So what can be done?  Some would say teach your child to pop a bully in the nose,  some say to turn your back and ignore the bully as eventually they will go away and some say to try and laugh it off.  What works for one will not necessarily work for another yet nowadays we are teaching our children that when they become adults, the ‘real world’ will have safe spaces for them to hide when their feelings are hurt.

There is no safe space when your boss yells at you for coming in late, no safe space when a collection agency is demanding you pay, and no safe space when you encounter racism, sexism, etc. on the street. Imagine our country’s leader hiding in a ‘safe space’ when another country is bullying with sanctions and tariffs instead of standing up and facing the issue head-on!  We as a society encounter struggles every day of our lives and we don’t need a safe space to hide in; we need strong, well-adjusted people who are ready to face the challenges ahead!

Instilling confidence in our children is what is needed.  Teach them bullies exist and bullying happens to everyone as even the bully will get bullied at some point in their lives.  We don’t need more ‘safe spaces’!  We need parents, teachers, and role models to step up and show our children that a bully does not define who we are; our actions do.

Written by: Bobbi - Lynne McGarry

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