Tuesday 12 November 2019

Don't Be Fooled - Email and Phone Fraud

When engineer Ray Tomlinson invented and sent the first email on Wednesday, June 8th, 1971 he most likely never intended it to ever be used for harm.  Email today along with texting and other forms of digital communication has become the norm when contacting people from all over the world.  Although great for keeping in touch with family, friends, clients, etc. it has also become the go-to for criminal activity.

The ‘Nigerian Prince’ email scam where you receive an email from someone claiming to be royalty who is offering a huge reward to help them get money out of their country by allowing them to deposit money into your bank account, is still going around today.  Once the email fraudsters have your banking information they will drain your accounts leaving you wondering how you got fooled.  Or perhaps you received an email from a lawyer stating you are the last known living relative of John Doe and they need your information to deposit your big inheritance; once again you are taken for a loop when your identity is stolen and your credit is ruined.

Today many scams come through your cell phone in the form of texting.  Texts such as; your account with Royal Bank have been suspended due to suspicious activity so click the link below to provide your account information to reopen your account, and/or, you overpaid your Saskpower account so click the link below to receive your money.  All of these and more often scare the consumer enough that instead of calling the company stated in the text and/or email they click the link; provide personal information; and become the victim of yet another scam.

The Regina Police and other law enforcement agencies are warning the public of current phone fraud.  One in which the caller’s number shows up on your phone’s display as a local number, perhaps even a Regina Police number.  The caller states there is a warrant out for your arrest as you owe money to CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) or another large organization, and if you do not pay immediately the police will arrive on your doorstep to arrest you!

This is a terrifying phone call for people to receive and with the number display showing a local police number how do you know this is not real? 

If you ever receive an email and/or text requesting money or personal information such as your SIN, banking information, etc., do not click any links in the email.  If you feel it may be a legit request, call the company directly (and do not call any number listed in the email/text) and explain what you received and the company will be able to inform you if this is a scam.

If you receive a threatening phone call demanding money…hang up.  Call your local police department immediately and give them any details such as the number that appeared on your phone, what they requested and how you were threatened.

Thousands of people are scammed out of money every day through these forms of criminal activity.  Don’t become the next victim!  Check with the original company and stay safe!

Written by:  Bobbi - Lynne McGarry

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