Monday 4 November 2019

Investigating the Paranormal in Saskatchewan

Have you ever seen a shadow out of the corner of your eye that you swore was an apparition?  Maybe you have heard bumps in the night or voices when no one else was around?  These, like many other phenomena, can often be explained by natural causes such as old pipes, creaky floorboards, etc. however sometimes there is no explanation for what is occurring and the people of P.A.S.T. (Paranormal and Supernatural Team) have dedicated their time to research and document the unknown.

The current team is made up of volunteers, Cory Nagy and Justin Henry from Regina and Matthew Lay and Alyson Ford from Gray, Sask. all with a passion for the unknown and was started in 2012 in Saskatchewan.  “For most of us growing up in Saskatchewan we had heard all the small-town ghost stories and some of us had had personal experiences throughout our lives with the paranormal,” says Ford, “Matt is originally from the USA and had been studying the occult and paranormal from an early age.”

Using modern technology, the team investigates several locations throughout Saskatchewan in their hunt to document the paranormal and have hosted organized events to give people an idea of what a real investigation is all about. “We enjoy educating the public about the paranormal in a level headed non-fear based approach,” says Ford.

At times the team is called out to a site by the public or property owner to investigate strange goings-on and one such time led them to Strasbourg and more specifically ‘One Eye Cemetery’ located just south of the Town of Strasbourg as well as a residence within the town.  The cemetery is also known as Last Mountain Cemetery has plots dating back to 1889 and the team did capture some evidence of paranormal activity.  “Like most investigations, it’s impossible to have all the answers, and we caught some evidence,” said Ford,” we present the evidence to the owners and the public and let them decide.”

The teams’ goal is to help people by empowering them through knowledge so they may help themselves.  “Unofficially we felt there was a presence there and after it was addressed it seemed to vacate the home,” stated Ford, “Our goal as investigators is not just to capture evidence but to open a line of communication with whatever may be there and a lot of the time whatever is there leaves after they are able to get a message across.”

Over the years, the team from P.A.S.T. has captured paranormal activity at several locations around Saskatchewan in the form of photos, EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) and other methods used to document the unknown and although they do not get paid for their services, all the team members love what they do and encourage everyone to ask questions.

For more information visit them at their website or contact them through Facebook @ P.A.S.T. Saskatchewan (Paranormal and Supernatural Team)

“We are a group of individuals striving to find our own individual answers and realize that each of us holds a piece of the puzzle to someone else's questions.”  Quote from the Muduta website.

Written by:  Bobbi - Lynne McGarry

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