Wednesday 22 January 2020

Happiness Abounds If You Acknowledge Your Inner Animal

Happiness Abounds if You Acknowledge Your Inner Animal

Often we as humans, when describing our place on Earth, disassociate ourselves from our animal counterparts.  We consider ourselves superior since we evolved into beings that use our minds to gain control over our surroundings.  We often consider ourselves above all other species on the planet and no longer consider ourselves as being part of the animal kingdom, let alone being an animal ourselves.

I have a different view on this subject.  I believe we are in fact animals the same as a horse, cow, lion or eagle are.  Yes, of course, we are not running naked in a field, happily munching away on grass, however, when you look at it scientifically we have all the characteristics of your average household dog and if we could learn to live as one we would find the true meaning of happiness.

Now before anyone is offended by me calling them a dog let me explain.  When you research the characteristics of an animal predator, you will find most have forward-facing eyes (in order to judge distance for an advantage in hunting); their young are born unable to walk and dependant on parents to survive (with the exception of some species like sharks); many live in packs or social groups, and they have a social hierarchy with one or two usually being the leaders.  Animals do not live for financial gain, they do not contemplate the meaning of life and they seem to enjoy simple things such as eating, sleeping, breeding, and playing.  They do not stress over yesterday's outcomes, they focus on the moment at hand.  All in all, animals simply enjoy ‘being’ without the worry of ‘why’.

Now, look at humans.  We are born completely dependent on adults to care for us, our social groups vary widely from introverted people who prefer to be alone (just like a cheetah) to large families and friend groups (just like a lion pride).  We have leaders within our families ie. our parents and within our larger social network ie. the government.  Of course, we no longer attack our leaders in order to gain rulership such as our history states, however as our parents' age we then become the “leaders” of the family group and our children will do the same as we grow old.  We have so much in common with our animal counterparts yet we struggle daily to find true happiness in life.  Always questioning the why of everything.

Now imagine a world where we as humans let go of the ‘why’ to life and started enjoying our time here.  Think of it this way, when you walk in the door after a long day of work, no matter how horrible you feel, your pet will greet you as though you are the light of their life.  Now imagine if we greeted our spouses or children in this manner, every time they walked in the would change the emotional energy of the home to a more positive one.  Imagine if instead of stressing over why we are here on this planet we started acknowledging the fact that we are animals, here to eat, sleep, play and breed.  No worrying about the ‘Big Picture’.  Enjoying our time here with our families and friends and embracing all the small wondrous things around us.

The thought of being and acting like the animal I am did not come easily.  We are taught from an early age to strive for success, conform to society’s rules, and find meaning in life.  Struggling to find the meaning of life can lead anyone into insanity as there are no definite answers to this world...unless you are an animal.  Their sole purpose is to eat, breed, sleep, play and one day die.  If they make a huge impact on society is never a concern in their lives.  If they are remembered long after their passing is not a thought that crosses their mind.  Animals live for one purpose only and that is to ensure the survival of their species.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Now that is not to say an animal lives an unfulfilled life.  Have you ever seen a cat enjoying the tiniest sunbeam on the living room carpet, she is fulfilled.  Or horses running free across a field on a warm spring day, they are fulfilled.  Animals have the advantage over humans as they have learned to enjoy the smallest of things to the fullest extent, leading to a full and happy life.

“Stop and smell the roses” is to be the most profound saying as it is very clear in its meaning.  Joy and happiness are all around us if we only take the time to see them. 

In today’s society, it is often very hard to stop and enjoy a budding rose as we focus on how to pay the outstanding bills this month.  Hard to notice a cloud shaped like an ice cream cone when we are always looking down, focused on our cell phones.  We have forgotten the beauty in the world that surrounds us every day.  So focused on money, social media, careers, the past, and the future that we have long forgotten to live in the present.  Forgotten that we are simply animals. 

Will it matter tomorrow if you forgot to make the bed today because you were outside enjoying the warmth of the summer sun?  Will it matter in 5 years if your son did not load the dishwasher because he was playing tag with his friends?  Will it matter in 100 years if you are forgotten because you did not achieve massive success?  If you live your life for today, then no, none of the above will matter.  What will matter is you will have lived a full life.  You will have enjoyed everything around you.  You will be fulfilled and can pass into the next realm, life, or whatever your faith believes in, happy knowing your time on earth was complete.

Simply stated we are animals and we could learn a lot from our animal companions.  Strive to find your happiness by embracing the inner animal in you.  Life is short and we can never get time back, so enjoy your sunbeam as tomorrow there might be rain.

Written by: Bobbi-Lynne McGarry

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